Should You Join College Possible?

Are you interested in continuing your education after high school? Well then, College Possible may be the resource for you. For those who aren’t familiar with the program, College Possible is a non-profit organization that aims towards closing the opportunity gap and increasing college graduation among low income students. This organization has been running in Oregon since 2012. 

Junior Coach, Brady McDevitt, explained that the program supports students through their high school junior years all the way up to their college graduations. As a junior coach, McDevitt works to help prepare students’ materials for their senior years, so that they are ready to go for applying to colleges and filling our financial aid forms. Within College Possible, students are also prepared for taking the ACT. Additionally, the program also organizes several college visits throughout the year.

“I would say, as someone who is serving for the organization, this is a very trustworthy organization for students and we have seen a lot of success with the students that have gone through our program,” said McDevitt. 

Once students enroll in College Possible, even after high school graduation, they will continue to have coaches guiding them throughout their college careers. McDevitt said, “[Students will] have coaches either remotely or in person, on campus, that they can visit and get [advice] from.”

At CHS, College Possible meets Mondays and Wednesday in person after school. And then there is an online option that goes from 7-8:30. Though the time commitment may seem large (being around three hours a week), it eliminates those extra hours of college application work students will have to do on their own. McDevitt adds, “In the end, it’ll probably total the same amount of time you’d spend on your application anyway. You’ll feel much more prepared for college and you’ll have applied to scholarships and things like that, so I think the time commitment is well worth it.”

If you’re interested in joining the program, there is one big thing to consider: family income. McDevitt explained that typically the income threshold for students to join College Possible is around 200% above the national poverty line. McDevitt explains that the program sets an income threshold because wealthier families tend to have an easier time finding similar resources, while families with lower income usually need more help and may be first generation college students as well. “So providing as much help to those students as possible is our main goal and, like our name implies, we want to make college possible for those students.”

For students who aren’t eligible for College Possible, there are still a lot of resources you can take advantage of. Another program that is similar to College Possible, but doesn’t have the income requirement, is Trio. At CHS, Trio is led by Amy Porter. All in all, McDevitt suggests that students come to the College and Career Center (located across from the cafeteria) if they have any questions. 

Though transitioning from high school to college can be difficult, it is important to ask questions and know where to get the information needed to initiate that transition. 

“I just want to affirm that this is a really hard process, but it’s so, so worth it because going to college opens us so many opportunities for students, especially in our day and age where you kind of need a college degree for everything,” said McDevitt. “Being able to help students through that and give them the affirmation that it’s going to be ok, and we can do it together, is the biggest thing for me. I understand that it’s hard and hopefully families feel comfortable coming to resources like us, and asking as many questions as they need to.”

Do you have any questions or concerns about college? The following people will be happy to help:

College Possible Coach Brady MCDeviit[email protected]

When? Monday-Thursday all day

Where? In College and Career Center 

How? Email or in person

School to Career Specialist Mike Henderson[email protected]

When? During school hours

Where? College and Career Center

How? Email or in person

It is also important to note that even if you’re not in College Possible, you can still get that same assistant from College Possible personnel if you need it. Students’ guidance counselors and teachers will also be able to guide them to the right people if they’re not sure where to start their college journey.