Drama Play – Red Velvet Cake War

The Red Velvet Cake War is going to kick off the first of many plays that the students of Centennial High School will be playing this year. Red Velvet Cake War is a Southern style, absurd, screwball comedy with outrageous characters and situations that will just make you burst out laughing in each and every turnaround in this crazy and wacky story. Watch cousins Gaynelle, Peaches, and Jimmie Wyvette as they attempt to throw a family reunion and see the story hilariously unfold as the neighbor’s cat devours everything edible in sight, a one eyed suitor shows up to declare his love, and a high-stakes wager begins on who can bake the best red velvet cake.

Follow Jimmie Wyvette as he tries to dodge an unpleasant neighbor while trying to win the affection of the town’s newest widower, Peaches as she struggles to decide whether or not to declare her long lost trucker husband dead and Gaynelle as he is one nerve away from what will be an amazing meltdown. Come to see the rest of the crazy Verdeen family and the wacky townspeople and strangers that show up in this fun filled wacky story.

The Red Velvet Cake War will make its Centennial debut on November 4th and play on the 6th, 18th, and 20th at 7pm, tickets will cost $5 for CHS students, $8 for other students 18 and under along with senior citizens, and $10 for adults. Masks are required and families are expected to social distance from other households, parking and entrance to the play will be located behind the building near the auditorium, seating is reserved at the door.