SAT or ACT Could Replace SBAC
Standardized tests are indeed changing. Gradually.
According to Laura Scully, assistant principal, the school won’t know if test standards are going to change until the State gives the school some direction concerning the matter.
“We will keep moving forward with the SBAC test until we know more,” says Scully.

Administrator Laura Scully stands by her desk. She is in favor of the SAT replacing the SBAC.
It’s possible that through the SAT or ACT students would fulfill their graduation requirements as well as college entrance test requirements.
However, until further notice from the State, it looks as though the school’s hands are tied.
Scully says, “The State will give our district the boundaries.”
Scully believes that combining the required test into one setting, which includes the SAT or ACT, would alleviate a lot of the stress that students endure.
According to the assistant principal, there are many factors that would improve students’ success as far as getting into college.
“Another benefit is that there’s more access for kids on campus,” states Scully.
If students are required to pay to take the SAT or ACT on the weekend at a different school like they are currently, there’s less likely of a chance that everyone will get an opportunity to take it multiple times and do well, she said.
On the other hand, if students took the required test (regular SAT or ACT) at school with everyone else, everyone would get an equal opportunity to take it.
One more reason that kids would be better off taking the SAT/ACT instead of the SBAC includes time.
It takes students multiple periods, multiple classes and multiple days to take the SBAC while taking the SAT or ACT only takes half a day.
Scully states, “Removing the SBAC could help kill two birds with one stone; graduation requirements and college requirements.”

Daniella Young, 17, is a senior and is excited about her second year of advanced journalism. She took Beginning Journalism her freshman year, and loved...