Alleged Profanity Incident Raises Eyebrows

Recently, a case involving and alleged profanity outburst by a staff member has hit our school, causing people to wonder what exactly is deemed the “reasonable” disciplinary action for adults who are allegedly caught in the act of using foul language.

From a young age, we are taught that “bad words aren’t nice” but in the reality, they’re very common in today’s language. Profanity is a fragile subject among academic settings. We are strictly told to refrain from using “vulgar language” around the classroom, but the likelihood of it ending isn’t likely. Whether you use this sort of language or not, we are all exposed to it in one way or another.

However, there is a major difference between using profanity in general as opposed to aiming it specifically at to someone some group. The intensity of words themselves is very significant; words are powerful weapons so we should use them with the consideration that they depict our general character. To use derogatory or demeaning colloquialism towards another is not acceptable in a school setting, thus opening the door to potential disciplinary action in cases that involve adults.

While he could not talk about any specific incidents directly–including the alleged recent one–District Human Resource Director Dr. Paul Coakley explained, “We have strict policies against profanity here [in the District]. If a staff member were to use it, it would require some looking into and deep analysis.”

The exact punishments for any alleged use of profanity varies with each case and would depend on the actions of each individual, but it is a subject that will not be taken lightly. Even though acts of discipline are private and will not be made public, Coakley said,  in extreme cases some course of action will be taken to prevent further misconduct within the academic environment.

 “Under no circumstances is profanity allowed. It even says that in our student handbook [planner],” added Coakley.