Grad Profile Update

As the new year begins, people begin to reflect and make goals for themselves. CHS is no stranger to such a concept as principal Mairi Scott-Aguirre along with many teachers have come together to create a grad profile. This grad profile, in short, is a mission that focuses on equipping students with the necessary skills for life after graduation.
In October of 2019, teachers did some reading and brainstorming on what they believed were valuable skills for adult life. They then met together and were able to construct seven different categories for the grad profile. These categories consisted of themes like “Knowledge,” “Financial Literacy,” and “Empathy.” The current plan for the grad profile is to outsource ideas from family, community members and students. (If any student wants to contribute their ideas to the grad plan, Destiny has application forms in the front office.)
After the general themes are solidified, the next plan is to define how they can be enforced into CHS’s curriculum. The goal right now is to hopefully present the school board with the grad plan next year, but it could be sooner. Scott-Aguirre is not too worried about it being accepted since the grad profile is still in alignment with the overall plans of the school board. If the grad profile is approved, visuals such as posters around the school will be put up to encourage people to think about and be reminded of the grad profile mission.
The actual implication of the profile will take course over several years. This is because, “Good grad profiles should push to make changes [and] change the way we do education,” said Scott-Aguirre. The ultimate goal for the grad profile is to be an “accurate representation of the values, desires, and hopes of our community.”
Here is an article on CHS staff’s opinions about the Grad Profile:

This is senior Christa Pierik’s second year in journalism. Other than journalism, Christa is a part of CHS’s Hi-C dance team, girls tennis team, Concert...