Students Gain on Retest-Retake Days

Retest-Reteach is an assembly schedule where the assembly time is available for students to go into the classes for which they are behind. They can then use the time to ask their teachers questions about materials, or to make-up assessments or assignments they missed. This schedule is beneficial for a lot of different students. It benefits those who are behind on their grades, but it also helps athletes or people involved with after school clubs because it allows for more time to come in and complete necessary material or ask questions.
Students and teachers alike seem to think that retest-reteach is very helpful for the kids.
Eli Nolde, an English teacher at CHS, said that in his experience kids show up to make stuff up, and it may not catch everybody, but he is happy they are making time for it.
Sophomore Georgia Steke said, “It’s going fine. Teachers have requested me to come in, and I don’t like that, but I do it.” She said that she retakes the tests, and she does better.
Sophomore Maggie Mailee Redden said she hasn’t had to come in to do anything.
“It’s nice to have time to do homework,” She said. “It’s a nice stress reliever.”
Sophomore Alexis Pen stated, “Some of my friends would have to come in and take tests. Then they do better.”
Some students were able to come into retest-reteach and get a lot of extra credit to help them through their classes.
Junior Ulices Rubio said the time has been good for him. “I have a good grade now, and reteach-retest is easier than coming in after school,” he said.
Junior Travis Johnson agreed that coming in during the scheduled time is easier. “It’s been good. It has helped me catch up on a lot.”
Overall, it seems like it is a good thing that this schedule is going to be implemented more regularly for students.
I personally appreciate the schedule because I am usually busy after school with theatre things, and if I miss a quiz or test in class, it is nice to have time that is not after school to take the things I need to take.
The next retest-reteach scheduled for Friday, November 22. This is a Friday prior to grading week.

Editor Beatrice Byrd is a senior at CHS and is in her second year of writing for The Talon. She is very excited to be involved again this year. As the...