Jr. Hi-C Dance Clinic
This Saturday, October 5th, the Centennial Hi-C Dance Team is hosting a dance clinic for Kindergarten thru 8th graders from 9:00-11:30 am.
Registration starts at 9 am at the entrance to the main gym through the auditorium entrance *3505 SE 182nd Ave*.
At the clinic, the kids will learn a dance routine taught and choreographed by the Hi-C dancers themselves.
There will also be some games, warm ups, stretches, and, of course, snacks.
There will be a performance of these routines as well as a special performance by the Hi-C’s at 11:00 am, family and friends are welcome to attend.
The cost for the clinic is $25.00 and is non-refundable.
If you have any questions about the clinic please contact Lynn McEachern at [email protected].

This is senior Christa Pierik’s second year in journalism. Other than journalism, Christa is a part of CHS’s Hi-C dance team, girls tennis team, Concert...