Four Years Sure Goes Fast!
It’s hard to believe I’m writing this; it feels like yesterday I was walking into CHS for the first time the summer before my freshman year.
Overall, my four years here have been filled with many memories and experiences, which I’m probably going to miss the most.
One huge highlight of my freshman year was auditioning and being involved in the Addams Family Musical. This was my first play ever and the first time I had ever performed in front of a big crowd, so this is an experience I’ll never forget. I remember the moment before coming on stage opening night; it was a bittersweet feeling of both nervousness and utter excitement.
The show was a blast, and memorizing song lyrics and choreography was super fun!
During my sophomore year, I remember focusing on school and enjoying my classes. However, this was probably one of the tougher years for me as far as academics. I also did a lot of volunteer work that year, and making a difference in other’s lives still makes me happy to this day.
My junior year was fairly busy. I auditioned for the talent show and High School Musical, and I still recall the rehearsals and staying late at school. It’s moments like these that I’ll really miss; I remember the moment I started singing at the talent show that year. It was my first time singing solo at a school event like that, and hearing my own voice over the microphone in front of some of my peers and teachers was surreal.
Joining National Honor Society was also rewarding in giving back to the community and getting the opportunity to do it with peers.
Last year was also my first year on the newspaper staff, so that’s definitely a highlight.
This year was probably the busiest but definitely funnest. This year, I joined the yearbook staff as well, and it’s been fun being in both classes. I also had the opportunity to go to games more and take some pictures, which was pretty cool since I hadn’t been to a high school game since elementary school; back then, I would come with my dad to watch boys basketball games and football games once in a while.
This year, I also did driver’s ed (look out world!) and was involved in volunteer activities with NHS.
Another highlight for me this year was singing the National Anthem at a couple of the girl’s basketball games. It was such an honor, and I still can’t believe I did it. In general, getting the opportunity to sing at school events has probably been one of my favorite parts of high school; it was honestly a dream come true.
To any incoming freshmen, or other classes in general, the best advice I think I can give is to work hard, but take advantage of your time in high school. Enjoy events and opportunities that the school has to offer. Go to school dances, get involved in extracurriculars, take risks, and create experiences that you’ll remember for the rest of your life; these four years go fast.
Overall, my four years as an Eagle have been unforgettable, and I’m going to miss everyone I’ve ever met here. This school will always have a special place in my heart.
To any teacher who’s reading this, please know that you make a huge difference in our lives and we wouldn’t be where we are as students if it weren’t for you all. Thank you so much for being so dedicated every single day and for all that you do for us.
Of course, I wouldn’t be writing this if it wasn’t for our wonderful adviser Jeff Stanek; thanks for challenging us, always giving everyone opportunities, encouraging students like me to reach our full potential, and for valuing journalism and the impact of it. I’ve also grown so much in the past few years as a writer because of this class!
To my peers, it’s been an amazing journey and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for the class of 2019; I know incredible things are coming.
Once an Eagle, Always an Eagle.

Daniella Young, 17, is a senior and is excited about her second year of advanced journalism. She took Beginning Journalism her freshman year, and loved...