Debbie Dube Hangs Up The Calculator
Math teacher Debbie Dube.
Debbie Dube has decided it’s time to hang up the ol’ calculator and math book to finally kick back and relax into her new retirement.
“I’ve been working here for longer than a lot of students have been alive,” said Dube.
Dube teaches almost all levels of math, including AP calculus.
“I’d say that my favorite memories at CHS are when I’m helping students with math that they’re struggling with and they finally understand, and of course the homecoming skits I would do with other teachers,” said Dube
“When I first came here I looked like a student, and now I’m a grandmother,” she said.
“I’m sad that Dube will be retiring this year but I honestly think she totally deserves it. She is such a hard worker and is probably one of the best teachers ever had for math,” said former student Autumn Forespring.
“I’m probably looking forward to taking time to relax when I retire, and I’ve been teaching for so long that it will probably be a little bit strange to adjust to no longer being at CHS,” said Dube.
After retirement Dube plans on spending more time with her family and working in consulting communicating with math teachers at CHS and other districts.
Many staff members had sentimental thoughts about Dube leaving CHS.
Math teacher Ross Cottrell said: “I remember meeting Debbie 20 years ago. I had an interview with her and the principal at the time. I remembered from that first meeting how she passionately loved helping students learn. Debbie had the excitement and drive to help student learn which she has never lost. Whenever we would have meetings Debbie always used the lens of what was best for students and helping them learn both math and life skills. Not many teachers would convince me to come spend the night at the high school as her chaperone to help at Calculus camp or the Calculus Multiple Choice Relay as the students were prepping for the AP Calc exam. In the future I will miss Debbie tremendously & always keep in mind WWDDD (what would Debbie Dube Do).”
Lead Secretary Tami Burton said: “Thank you for giving me the opportunity to brag about Debbie Dube. Well, we graduated together in ’79 from this fine high school. I’ve gotten to know her best by working at CHS. When I did state testing I’d work with Debbie to develop test schedules. I was always impressed by how easily the math department handled testing. She’s been a great department chair and has a wealth of historical knowledge. She can tell you about all the different projects the DC’s have worked on through the years. As a DC she’s very thorough. As a co-worker she’s very sweet and always has a smile on her face. It’s been fun to talk about our families and the day to day things of parenthood. I wish her the very best in retirement.”
Math teacher Tim Roupp said: “Debbie is a true motherly figure to her students and her co-workers. She is super supportive to her co-workers families, kids, birthdays, and extracurricular activities. She cares so much about the students she teaches, calculus camp, time after school with students, all the teams she has been on. She goes above and beyond to make people feel welcome and safe. Cooks for department in the department Christmas Party. Has loved Centennial and everything about it for her entire career. Fights for what is right.”
Math teacher Jennifer Morgan said: “Debbie has put her blood, sweat, and tears into this community and school.”

Meera Forespring is currently a sophomore at CHS and this is their first year in the CHS Talon. They are an active member of the LGBTQ+ community and...