Larson Says Adios After 34 Years
Spanish teacher Lia Larson.
Lia Larson will be retiring at the end of this school year after 34 years at CHS.
“My fondest memories include preparing students for the World Language Showcase Night, taking students on field trips to ‘La Carreta’ and the University of Oregon Foreign Language Day, and serving as a class advisor,” said Larson.
Learning foreign languages is an important part of our school’s curriculum and many of her former students say she was able to bring both a relaxing laid back atmosphere while still expertly teaching students.
“I plan to travel, work on household projects, participate and volunteer in my children’s school activities, and do some substitute teaching,” said Larson.
Along with being a teacher here, Larson is also a full time mother.
“I will miss the students and staff the most when I leave,” said Larson
An important part of teaching is learning how to adapting and changing methods to one’s that best fit the teacher and the students that they instruct. “While teaching at CHS I have changed my teaching philosophy and teaching style and become more empathetic towards the needs of the students I have taught over the years,” said Larson.
“There are very few of us left who have a history of Centennial the way Lia does,” said teacher Jeff Stanek. “She’s been here through a lot of changes and has seen a lot of educational philosophies in her time. She’s taught nearly 6000 kids Spanish. That is an amazing accomplishment. Through it all she’s always been a very positive person. Think about this: ‘Have you ever seen Lia when she was not smiling?’”
“Mrs. Larson is a very passionate woman and always has a positive attitude,” said Spanish teacher Amalia Carter.
“Lia is a very kind woman with a great love of teaching. I’ll miss having her in the language department,” said Rowena Poirier, French teacher.

Meera Forespring is currently a sophomore at CHS and this is their first year in the CHS Talon. They are an active member of the LGBTQ+ community and...