Band Instructor Tim Wells Retires
Band Instructor Tim Wells.
Band Instructor Tim Wells began teaching at CHS in 1987, but left from 1994-1998 when he worked at Hillsboro and Columbia River High School. He returned to Centennial in 1998.
His favorite memories with the band include traveling to Florida for festivals and parades. He stated that he’s going to miss “the daily routine (and) working with students.”
In addition to enjoying his time with students, he also has family back in Oklahoma.
As far as the changes at CHS over the years, he stated that “every school has changes, it’s part of the process.”
His retirement plans involve traveling to Austria and Germany this summer, as well as attending a Disney Convention in August.
To the staff, he expressed, “Be willing to change your schedules on the fly, and don’t take yourself too seriously. You gotta be willing to laugh at yourself.”
“Tim has been a good friend at my time at Centennial. He’s a nice guy. I’m gonna miss him,” said Choir Director Brice Cloyd.
“Tim is a legend in this district. In losing Tim, we’re losing historical knowledge in the district,” said Cloyd.
“He’s selfless and works tirelessly. He has earned a well deserved retirement,” he added.
“Tim is an awesome guy. I’ve had the pleasure of working with him for the past 21 years; I will miss his sense of humor and his laugh,” said Drama Director Kellie McCarty.
“He’s one of the most professional teachers out there. He’s the best trumpet player, and he’s very talented; he works so many hours. He’s (also) a super nice guy,” said Chemistry teacher Craig Watts.
In addition, the band will be performing in this year’s Grand Floral Parade in the Rose Festival, which will take place on Saturday, June 8 at 10 am. The parade will be televised from approximately 10-12 in the morning and Centennial will appear around the middle of the parade, around 11:00.
They’ll start at the Memorial Coliseum in Portland, and end at Lincoln High School.
The band is also hoping to have cheerleaders from Centennial join them, although details are still being finalized.
“We’re hoping we’re gonna have some cheerleaders join us. We’re hoping we can work it out,” said Wells.
The band also performed in this parade in past years. “We have not done it in five years or so; it’s been a long time since we’ve done it,” said Wells.
For more information on the parade, visit:

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