Credit Opportunity SLIPS Away
Counselors learned Monday, April 1 that the SLIP test will no longer be offered to students at CHS.
This will affect not only Centennial, but other schools around the Portland area as well.
According to Counselor Kayci Emry, the individual previously in charge of the test has chosen not to continue offering it.
As far as replacing it, the school is looking into other options.
“We are looking into similar alternatives,” said Emry.
If the school were to offer a different test, the test would have to meet certain standards that were previously met by SLIP.
The principal would work with the School Board and Centennial District in order to find an alternative that fulfills these requirements.
“It was really valuable for students, and we want to be able to offer something else,” said Emry.
“Students should talk to their counselor about how this might affect their forecasting choices for next year,” she said.

Daniella Young, 17, is a senior and is excited about her second year of advanced journalism. She took Beginning Journalism her freshman year, and loved...