Girls Tennis: Hungover from Spring Break

After coming back from spring break players definitely felt the fatigue creeping on us during the week. Not only was the fog of post-spring break affecting our playing, so was the weather. With the first match scheduled against Clackamas the Tuesday after our return, Mother Nature decided to shed a tear leaving the tennis courts completely soaked. The match was rescheduled for the following day, in hope that mother nature would be in a better mood by then.
Lucky for us, Mother Nature decided to help us out and stop crying just long enough so we could play outside the rest of the week. The girls put in a strong effort into the following matches against Clackamas, Wednesday, and Barlow, Thursday, but both came out with a loss. Nevertheless, the weekend came and gave us all some much needed rest. Then began a new week.
With freshly cleared minds we came ready to face our new opponents of the week: Reynolds, Tuesday, and Sandy, Thursday. Mother Nature, of course, came back again being more bi-polar than ever. The debate on rescheduling the Reynolds match was at a high, but us girls ended up pushing through the confusing weather and won our match. Next up is a home match against Sandy, scheduled for Thursday at 3:30 pm, but if Mother Nature decides to act up again the match will be rescheduled for the following day.
Girls Varsity Lineup:
Clackamas- (April 3rd)
Rained Out Tue. moved to Wed.
Singles: (1) Zara Khalid (2) Miki Moua (3) Mary Karam (4) Irina Borovskiy. Doubles: (1) Sarah Lee & Olivia Harms (2) Kelly Tran & Louise Kim (3) Christa Pierik & Edith Misaki (4) Ernella Lumanglas & Florance Hazrati
Barlow- (April 4th)
FBLA & illnesses causes for a change in lineup for Varsity. Singles: (1) Mary Karam (2) Zara Khalid (3) Sarah Lee (4) Irina Borovskiy. Doubles: (1) Kelly Tran & Louise Kim (2) Miki Moua & Christa Pierik (3) Edith Misaki & Ernella Lumanglas (4) Florance Hazrati & Yasmeen Karam.
Reynolds- (April 9th)
Singles: (1) Zara Khalid (2) Mary Karam (3) Louise Kim (4) Irina Borovskiy. Doubles: (1) Sarah Lee & Olivia Harms (2) Kelly Tran & Miki Moua (3) Edith Misaki & Ernella Lumanglas (4) Christa Pierik & Yasmeen Karam.

This is senior Christa Pierik’s second year in journalism. Other than journalism, Christa is a part of CHS’s Hi-C dance team, girls tennis team, Concert...