Girls Tennis Team Starts Strong; Play Sandy Tonight
Louise Kim plays in a match last year.
The chirping of birds and the longer days are often a sign that tennis season is about to begin, but this year was an exception. As tennis tryouts were beginning, the snow decided to peek out of the shadows creating two snow days for CHS. These snow days took away two of the five days that were supposed to be tryouts.
So, instead of trying to catch up by adding another two days, tryouts were cut short in order to avoid the inevitability of prolonging the start of the regular tennis season.
Since tryouts were cut short this year, there was a lot less for the coaches to make decisions about what players to keep and which ones to cut. So, this year, for the first time in a long time no one was cut from the team.
Certainly, this was very unusual for our team to do, since usually there are so many girls who want to try out for the team. Although, by not cutting anyone we have a higher chance at getting some really good tennis players in the future.
It has now been two weeks since tryouts and after a week of tennis practice, matches are now getting started. This Monday we had a preseason match verses Franklin High School which was a huge success as all new and returning members got a chance to play and learn, or relearn, the rules of tennis. Tonight will be our first real match, which will be at Sandy.
The following Thursday will be a match versus Central Catholic, at CHS. Now that the sun has finally begun to poke out after setting our clocks forward an hour, it finally feels like tennis season, and I couldn’t be any more excited.

This is senior Christa Pierik’s second year in journalism. Other than journalism, Christa is a part of CHS’s Hi-C dance team, girls tennis team, Concert...