Talon Asks Staff About Feelings Over Airpods In The Classroom

The latest trend sweeping the nation is Apple Airpods. They have been a big hit with the younger generation but they have turned out to be a big distraction to teachers and adults. Here are some of the things they had to say about how they feel about them.

Emma Wood: “I’m just worried about your personal fashion statement do you really want to walk around like you have a pencil stub in your ear.”

Julia Kirkpatrick: “I think that they are a issue when abused but helpful when they are needed.”

Rob Price: “It’s harder to see and harder to catch kids forget they have them in.”

Deena Currie: “Kids are outside their mind 150 dollars for airpods is stupid.”

Rob Havrilla: “I think they need to be put away in class, another in class distraction.”

Piroska Balogh: “I think they are a cool idea but way over over priced and they should not have them in their ears while someone is talking.”

Aaron Valentine is a senior staff member for The Talon. Alongside photography and journalism, he also loves being socially active with people, running,...