High School Elective Credit Available To Students
Do you have a job? Do you volunteer somewhere? If you answered yes to either one of these you might be eligible to earn high school credit. Students who apply can earn up to 3 full credits; this can help if students are missing credits. These credits count as elective and do not go towards career credit.
In order to earn these credits students have to fill out the form, which can be found in room 101 right next to the counseling office. Once students have gone to pick up the form all they will need is a parent signature and if they have a paying job they need to have a pay stub.
This is a great opportunity for students that have jobs, or do volunteer work which also includes Outdoor School. They can earn credits for something they are already doing. Another part of this is it won’t show up on your schedule as a class it will only be on your transcript.
To earn the credit with a paying job it is 180 hours and with volunteer work it is 90 hours. Exceptions can also be made “Can combine the two if you talk to your counselor” stated Jeff Stanek who teaches this class for students earning the credit.
This program is a great opportunity for any students who currently have a job or are volunteering. If a student is looking for ways to help them earn more credits this is a great way to go, it takes no space from your schedule at school and can earn them credits that they might need.

Assistant Editor Milana Oliphant, 17, is a senior and this will be her second year in journalism. In addition to being a part of The Talon, she also...