Schloth Gives Update on Attendance Rates

Now that first semester has come to a close, attendance continues to be an important factor for both students and staff.
According to Assistant Principal Terrance Schloth, “We’re seeing growth in that area.”
Attendance statistics for first semester compared to last year (2017) are as follows based on students who have an attendance rate of 90 percent or higher:
2017: 75 percent
2018: 78.20 percent (3.70 percent increase)
2017: 68.30 percent
2018: 73.70 percent (5.40 percent increase)
2017: 66.70 percent
2018: 72.20 percent (5.50 percent increase)
2017: 65.20 percent
2018: 68.10 percent (2.90 percent increase)
The school also sent out attendance matters flyers with first semester report cards. Along with this, the school is continuing to offer rewards and recognition for those students who consistently demonstrate great attendance, as well as those who continue to show improvement.
“We want to recognize those kids who maybe struggle with attendance but show improvement,” said Schloth.
There will be a special family dessert night on February 28 from 6:30 to 8 pm in the school cafeteria for students who show improvement in their attendance by 3 percent or more between January 14 and February 14.
In addition, the school will continue to offer other positive incentives such as airpods and gift cards.
Schloth also mentioned how many other people have helped to positively impact attendance rates, such as teachers, parents, counselors, administrators, case workers, and many others.
Despite the improvement, he hopes that students will continue to work hard and continue the effort to keep attendance rates going up; a big part of this is understanding of importance of it.
“I hope we don’t continue to go down, and I hope we can continue to see improvement,” he said.
Schloth stated, “There’s no substitute for hard work.”

Daniella Young, 17, is a senior and is excited about her second year of advanced journalism. She took Beginning Journalism her freshman year, and loved...