Finals Tips

Sally Menolascina-
- Take time to review information that your teachers have shared.
- Meet with other students to study together and quiz each other before the test day.
- Make sure that you get enough rest and eat something healthy so you are able to focus on your finals.
- Remind yourself that this is information that you have learned and that you will do well.
Terrance Schloth-
- Prepare ahead of time – Don’t wait until the last moment.
- Communicate with your teachers and ask what to study for – find out the format of the exam.
- Review with a group if possible.
- Get plenty of sleep – Go to bed early!
- Eat a balanced meal – Eat breakfast.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Arrive to your exam early for last minute review and to prepare for the exam.
Stacy Vanderpool-
- Study a little bit each day instead of cramming to increase retention.
- Study forwards and backward—for example, if you need to know terms and their definitions, practice defining the concepts, but also do it the opposite and practice reading definitions and identifying their concepts.
- Write what you study—the act of writing ideas helps you to process, and by extension remember, what you’re studying.
- Make your own questions for the concepts; that requires deeper understanding, which will help you internalize the concept.
- Make a Quizlet, Kahoot, etc.
- Have someone quiz you; quiz someone else.
- Take practice tests.
- Correct old tests/work.
Kathy Thiebes-
- If you are using flashcards, an important strategy when you review them is to write down or speak out loud the definition of the word/concept.
- Simply “saying” the definition in your head is not as effective as writing it down or saying it out loud.
- Ask your teacher if you can have an extra copy of the study guide.
- Try filling it out from memory, without using any help or notes.
- This strategy will show you what you REALLY know and will help you narrow your focus for specific vocabulary and concepts that you need continued practice with.
Kimberly Ledesma
- For math, do the review twice – once with help and looking things up, once like it’s the test. Check your answers!
Tips from the Author:
- Reward yourself while studying.
- Take breaks (go to the gym, watch a Youtube video, eat, etc.).
- Make your study time special make yourself some tea, go to a coffee shop, make a study playlist, etc.
- Go outside if you can, go on a walk, play w/ your dog.
- Start studying as soon as possible, not just the night before.
About the Contributor

Christa Pierik, Editor-in-Chief
This is senior Christa Pierik’s second year in journalism. Other than journalism, Christa is a part of CHS’s Hi-C dance team, girls tennis team, Concert...