Do We Need Finals?

Finals. Really? Is it absolutely necessary that every class we take has a final? Not only is it stressful having to prepare and study for seven, hour-long exams, but we also have to remember everything we learned from that entire semester. We have to remember things in January that haven’t even been covered since September. Now is that really fair to take a test on things we don’t remember that can end up lowering the grade you spent all semester trying to achieve. No, it’s not.
Honestly, my biggest issue with finals is that they are worth so stinkin’ much; it’s just one test for goodness sake and so many things can go wrong that can cause you to get a bad grade on a final. You could’ve stayed up all night the night before trying to study for your final that you end up too tired to remember anything you even studied. And let’s not forget about the people who get so stressed about taking their final that their brain fogs up so much that they are unable to think clearly.
I for one was a victim of that, just last year I bombed some of my finals. Now it wasn’t because I didn’t know the material, but because I was so worn out from the past two days of finals that I just got burnt out. Everything became a blur when I was trying to read the exam questions. Honestly, I’m surprised I didn’t end up face planting my scantron. The thing is before the final I had really good grades in my classes, but because of those couple of finals, it ended up hurting my grades a lot. If there weren’t so many finals that we had to take or if the school just got rid of finals altogether I would have better grades and a lot less stress.

This is senior Christa Pierik’s second year in journalism. Other than journalism, Christa is a part of CHS’s Hi-C dance team, girls tennis team, Concert...