Attendance Statistics

The Talon conducted a survey earlier this month to determine student sleep and attendance habits, and to see where students stand on changing school start time. The random survey was distributed to 103 individuals; 74 were returned.
Here are the results:
- 54% of high school students believe Centennial has an attendance problem (margin of error: ±11%: 43-65%)
- 71% of students believe Centennial need a new start time.(±10%)
- On average, students get 6.8 hours of sleep a night; according to nearly every national sleep study available, that means only 25% of students get the recommended amount of sleep.
- 46% say they are present 95%-100% of the time (margin of error: ±11).
- 39% say they are present 74%-94% of the time (±11).
- Fewer than 1% believe they are absent more than half the time (This is an ironic statement as an attendance survey could miss those with poor attendance.)
- 65% of students say Wednesday late start has no effect on their attendance. (±10%)
- 57% of students say they are late to 1st period most often, followed by any lunch period ( period 10, then period 10. (±11)
- 71% of students are not worried about the 90% to go to prom rule. This could be because they have 90% or better attendance, or because they simply do not want to attend Prom in the first place. (±10%)
- Almost 40% of students would like to be part of a club or sport but are deterred by the school workload. (±11)
- 41% of CHS students are already in clubs. (±11)
- 84% of students in clubs believe doing so improves their attendance (±8%)
- 66% say that their top reason for missing school is illness. This is followed by a lack of sleep, stress, home issues, vacation and simply not wanting to attend.
- 54% of CHS students say they are late to zero or one class in a given week. (±11)
- 40% are late 2-4 periods a week. (±11)
- Very few. 0.06% are late to 5+ periods a week. (±11)
From the same survey students were asked to make a variety of comments. Here are some of those:
- [The 90% attendance rule] is stupid. It punishes the people on edge, but doesn’t make up for the chronic skippers.
- Get better teachers and administrators. Something to look forward to.
- Later times would not result in later/less sleep in students. Would save the school money (Less heating) and raise attendance.
- It prepares us for waking up early for work.
- There tends to be a theme that nobody wants to go to school because they feel dead.
- It is the student’s decision for themselves if they want to come or not. Their future.
- “Sleep can benefit all people and how hard one works.
About the Contributor

Marissa Bennett, Staff Writer
Marissa Bennett is a sophomore at CHS. While she has been doing journalism for two years, she enjoys many different styles of writing as well. Outside...