What’s On Your Christmas List?

Simone Willingham
Simone Willingham, junior, hopes for “Macbook for editing, and I want airpods so I can charge my phone and listen to music, and I want a camera either a Cannon or a Sony HXR”.

Rachel Lee
Sophomore Rachel Lee is hoping for “snow for Christmas.”

Ashley Chavez
Ashley Chavez, junior, is “wishing that my cousin will come home.”

Kim Tu
Freshman Kim Tu wants a “Fitbit so I can record my times for distance.”

Reynaldo Cortez
Sophomore Reynaldo Cortez say he would like “peace with family and the world.”

Jen Loeung
Teacher Jen Loeung says, “I would like Rain barrels and a series of books.”

Angel Aluesi
Angel Aluesi, junior, is wishing for “my whole family to be together.”

Marlene Hicks
Junior Marlena Hicks is wishing for “someone to pay my college tuition and also a car.”

Autumn Beck
Autumn Beck, sophomore, says, “I wish for happiness and good health in my family especially out of the recent traumas in the world.”

Aaron Valentine is a senior staff member for The Talon. Alongside photography and journalism, he also loves being socially active with people, running,...