Schloth Makes Attendance A Priority
New assistant principal Terrance Schloth makes attendance a priority.
Attendance at CHS is important for many reasons.
According to Assistant Principal Terrance Schloth, “To start with, there have been a multitude of studies that support how attendance impacts work and learning.”
The benefits include graduating on time, better grades, and overall getting a better education.
“It’s a big deal,” said Schloth.
He also mentioned that although absences can be excused, this still greatly impacts a student’s learning when they are not at school.
The general threshold of attendance is 90%. As far as CHS’s attendance, the attendance rate has increased by 4% of students that meet this threshold, compared to last year. Other data is still being polled and calculated.
“We’re happy with our progress. We’re in the process of starting the conversations,” Schloth stated.
To improve attendance, the school has begun giving more positive incentives for students, such as school dances and off campus lunch.
In addition, the school has promoted the importance of attendance through videos, sending newsletters home, and putting posters and signs around the school.
He said, “We’re trying to hold the line and rise up to the challenge.”
Although there is still room for improvement, attendance rates have definitely increased this year, and this growth will continue to benefit students for years to come.

Daniella Young, 17, is a senior and is excited about her second year of advanced journalism. She took Beginning Journalism her freshman year, and loved...