Personal Perspective: Fall 7’s Underway
2018 Girls Rugby team.
Fall 7’s rugby is a faster more intense type of rugby game. The games are 14 minutes long with two seven minute halfs. The rules are the same as spring 15’s, the only difference being the number of players you have on the pitch at one time.
The season so far has been a great learning experience for all the players on the centennial team. As a captain I have noticed all of the improvement made by the players which can be very good for rugby as a club at Centennial.
The only challenge the team has faced so far is numbers. While you only need a minimum of seven players, it can be difficult to keep up with other teams that have more players.
As a player I have seen the negative impact this has had on the CHS team. With limited players you do not have as much flexibility when it comes to substitutes. Everyone on the team plays the entire game.
Most of the other clubs we play against have on average of at least nine players giving them the ability to have substitute players.
Despite our issue with numbers as a team we are still able to play and have fun. This is a very important value of rugby, being able to accept and over look challenges but all the while keep a good attitude and still play with 100 percent effort.
Last week our club earned our first victory of the season. After having a tough start to season it was nice to finally see my team’s hard work pay off. The score was 31-7 against the Renegades, which is another rugby club in the area that we compete against.
Our next game is October 27 at Glen Haven Park.

Assistant Editor Milana Oliphant, 17, is a senior and this will be her second year in journalism. In addition to being a part of The Talon, she also...