Dress Code Helps Keep Student Focus
Grant Pruett.
In the United States, 98% of schools have some sort of dress code; Centennial High School is no different.
The dress code at Centennial has some of the same restrictions and requirements that many other high schools have: no gang references, 2 finger wide strap rule, no chains or spikes, etc.
Centennial security guard Grant Pruett says, “It is not fun or enjoyable to redirect anyone about anything. The dress code is even more difficult because how you dress is a form of self expression.”
Pruett also says that he feels the dress code “is completely reasonable. Kids should be focused on school rather than their peers”
School staff are required to enforce the dress code, whether or not they agree with it.
When students reject the dress code they are only making the already challenging jobs of Centennial staff even harder.
To see more of the Centennial Dresscode visit http://cms.csd28j.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2017/09/Student-Handbook-17-18.pdf on page 8.