Programs Raise Thousands To Stay Afloat
Centennial’s clubs, organizations, sports and activities all make an effort to fundraise to keep all the activities up and running. Here is a sampling of what certain clubs/activities need to raise to keep the programs afloat, as well as what they do to fundraise in addition to what they use the fundraising money for:
The amount raised yearly is $50,000.00. The fundraising events include golf tournaments, auctions, coupon card sales, camps, advertising in game program, advertising on banners on display at games, apparel sales, Night of Champions, Snap Raise, Ford Test Drive, Pre-game BBQ’s, game programs, concessions, and hosting jamborees.
The money goes towards uniforms which cost nearly $20,000 last year. It also goes towards protective equipment such as helmets, shoulder pads, girdles, equipment such as footballs, practice jerseys, and practice pants. Also included is football camp, headphones, sideline video, electronics to show players film, sleds, chutes, an inflatable tunnel/fog machine, playoff travel expenses, and player meals.
“I understand that it’s the nature of the beast,” said recently-retired football coach Chris Knudsen.
Knudsen also stated that many don’t realize how much goes into the football program and how much is required in order to keep it running.
Boys Soccer
The boy’s soccer’s yearly amount to fundraise is $4000.
Popcorn and Jamba Juice Cards are sold, and the money is used for uniforms, equipment, rain gear, and team dinners.
Golf Team
The golf program is not supported by the school. It obtains all funds from donations and fundraising, which consists of collecting bottles and cans which adds up to about $300 yearly. The golf team receives about $2000 a year donated to the program, and the budget to run the program is approximately $2500. This amount pays for uniforms ($200-$300), golf course usage ($700-$900), and pays for substitute teachers ($1000) when teachers must be gone from school.
“People (mainly) donate to the program,” remarked golf advisor Tom Young.
In addition, Young stated that the golf team as a whole would like to get uniforms and go to tournaments, but with little fundraising, the total budget and ability to spend decreases.
Girls Tennis
$5000 is the yearly goal to fundraise.
Meat Sticks, Popcorn, Water Bottles, and asking for donations from students and teachers are sold to fundraise for Girls Tennis.
This amount pays for uniforms, tennis court equipment, and balls.
“I wish our district had enough money to keep facilities functional. They should be for student costs, not facility costs,” stated Girls Tennis Coach Ben Petersen.
Boys Tennis
The amount to fundraise is $1000 each year.
Selling beef pepperoni sticks and popcorn is done to provide for the boys tennis program, and the money goes towards uniforms, student equipment, and ball machines.
Boys tennis coach Jimmy Mei stated, “It makes sense (that each club has to fundraise). Each club has opportunities to raise money at Homecoming.”
Boys Basketball
The minimum amount to fundraise is about $1000, and this amount is used to cover costs such as basketballs, uniforms, and travel expenses.
“It’s nice if the district is sympathetic,” said boys basketball coach John Poetsch.
The average yearly fundraising amount is $2000-$4000.
The main fundraising events that the drama department does is the fall patron drive, production ticket sales and ads in production programs.
The drama department uses the funds to pay for production costs, help students attend regional and state competitions, purchase new tools, and buy supplies for the classroom.
Drama Advisor Kellie McCarty stated that sometimes less time and money is spent on productions due to the nature of how the fundraising works.
Girls Basketball
$5,000 is the amount raised each year and the money is spent on uniforms, balls, and other basketball equipment.
The mattress fundraiser, a Mother’s Day flower sale, basketball tournament, and the holiday greenery is done to fundraise, and this helps pay expenses for uniforms, team meals, and shoes.
“It’s a fact of life in East County that our needs are not going to be met by our district offices,” said girls basketball coach Jeff Stanek. “If we want to do what’s best for kids, it’s left to us.”

Daniella Young, 17, is a senior and is excited about her second year of advanced journalism. She took Beginning Journalism her freshman year, and loved...