Four Students Graduating Early
Lisette Gonzales Jinenez, Hung Tuan, Haoyuan Xiao, and Roman Zavgorodniy (Not pictured).
Centennial High School has a long tradition of providing opportunities to their students. This year, four juniors are seizing the opportunity to graduate one year in advance.
Lisette Gonzales Jinenez, Hung Tuan, Haoyuan Xiao, and Roman Zavgorodniy all are graduating a year early.
There are many reasons why students want to graduate early, including social issues, getting a stable job to earn money, and the most popular; to get a head start to college.
Lisette said that she wants to graduate early, to “Go to college early.”
Hung also commented that he decided to go to college early “Because I want to go to college right away.”
Haoyuan also wanted to get a “Head start, in college.”
Lastly, Roman as well wanted to graduate early to “Get into colleges early.”
With only a few complications, such as doubling up on a few classes, this option is very helpful to many students.
“My goal is to support my family and find a good job,” said Hung. The ability to start college will only make the transition smoother for any student who takes this route.
However, with any big decisions, there are a few things these students will not be able to participate in, such as senior prom or other senior activities.
“Just walking with my class,” Roman said he would miss the most.
Haoyuan said he would “Probably miss my friendships the most.”
In addition, there are more hoops that need to be jumped through in order to get all of the required credits needed to graduate.
“In order to graduate early, I had to take extra classes, and I had to take the SAT. I didn’t have much time to prepare for the SAT, or ACT, and I didn’t have much time to relax,” said Haoyuan.
Students who are interested in graduating early, should schedule a meeting with your counselor to get more information.