Flu, Cold Viruses Spread Like Wildfire
Jenny Hoesly enjoys taking care of students. Hoesly stated that getting the cold/flu is a very common problem among students.
Staying healthy this time of year is really difficult, especially when many students are susceptible to getting the cold or flu.
According to Registered Nurse Jenny Hoesly, this season alone, based on the two days a week that she works at the school, she has examined between 50 and 75 kids that were sick.
In order to prevent the flu, Hoesly recommends that students get their flu shots, get lots of rest, plenty of fluids, and see a doctor if the illness gets severe.
Another issue with getting sick involves students not completely recovering from it.
“When (students) don’t stay home when they’re sick, they tend to expose others, and they risk themselves of getting worse,” Hoesly stated.
In addition, Nurse Tori Labuhn, who continues to work part time due to her maternity leave, agreed that students should stay home, but that attendance is also a huge factor.
She said, “Missing school days” is a huge problem, both for students and teachers.
“Elderly people or babies can get really really sick,” Labuhn said.
Labuhn stated, “Weak and undeveloped immune systems can overwhelm their bodies.”
Labuhn also mentioned that washing hands thoroughly and not touching door knobs can really help keep away those dreadful viruses.

Daniella Young, 17, is a senior and is excited about her second year of advanced journalism. She took Beginning Journalism her freshman year, and loved...