Spring Sports Clearance Starts Soon; Get On It Now!
Athletic Director Brent Child
If you’re thinking about playing an OSAA sport at Centennial High School, there are several steps to tackle before you step foot on a field or court. The athletic clearance process has a few steps to it, so get the following items completed prior to turning out for a sport: (Taken from an athletic department flier.)
- Enter the athletic office to ask the question “What do I need to do in order to get cleared?”
- Secure paper instructions from Athletic Director Brent Child or Secretary Stephanie Core on how to register with Rank One Sports. Rank One is an electronic athletic sports management website. All athletes/parents will need to fill out three online forms as part of the clearance process. We are now paperless in the athletic office. The following items have to be filled out electronically:
1.Electronic clearance form
- Concussion acknowledgement
- Emergency procedure information
- Every student will need to provide an updated sports physical that will placed in their individual student file. Physicals are good for two years.
- Bring in your “sports offset fee” and/or a letter from dining services showed your benefit status for free/reduced meals. The sports offset fee is $160 if a student isn’t on reduced lunch ($80) or free lunch (free).
- Clear academically which involves the following:
*Pass five classes from the previous semester
*Currently be enrolled in a minimum of five classes in the current semester
*Making satisfactory progress toward graduation.
Spring sports will begin on Monday, Feb. 26. DO NOT wait until the 26th to start the clearance process. You should begin this process on Monday, Feb. 12th.
Child said, “Get in as soon as you can. Dont delay, don’t procrastinate.”