Timber Joins Havrilla Family
Having a memory of someone when they pass is like keeping their spirit alive.
This story started with Justin Rosenblad and his wife Denise Rosenblad and their four girls.
Justin was a big part of the school as a teacher, coach and advisor, and had been a soccer star at both Centennial and in college before he returned to CHS to coach. “Justin was a player,coach and fan,” said long time co-worker and friend, teacher Rob Havrilla.
A couple of years ago, the Rosenblads got two English Cream Golden Retrievers. Around this time Justin got diagnosed with stomach cancer. After more than a year of fighting the disease, Justin passed, leaving a hole in many people’s lives.
In the midst of all this, the Rosenblad’s two retrievers became parents to 10 little, cream-colored puppies.
So now it was Denise, the girls, two dogs and 10 puppies. Havrilla, who had just put his own dog down, said “That’s (puppies!) a lot of stress to put on them as a family, especially without their father.”
And, you guessed it, Havrilla soon had one of his close friend’s puppies, which he named “Timber” because of Justin’s love for soccer and the Portland Timbers.
“Timber is an incredible affectionate dog. He always just wants to lay his head on my lap” Havrilla said of his new family member.