Canned Food Drive Strives For 10,000 Pounds

The Canned Food Drive is a fundraiser for Food for Families. All proceeds go to families in need. Student Council member Bailey Becker said, “The goal is to bring in food for families in our community who aren’t fortunate enough to make weekly trips to the grocery store.”
The goal is to collect 10,000 pounds of food. The fundraiser is also a competition. Different groups, sports, and classes will be competing for a $500 prize.
Community members can donate boxed and canned food, such as Mac n’ Cheese, soup, chili, and Granola bars. Students can also donate cash which can be more beneficial. Members of the community can also donate time to help pass out the food for Food for Families.
Food can be dropped off in the hallway in front of the cafeteria. Anyone interested in donating time should contact Adriann Hardin at 503.762.5507.
The Canned Food Drive also reaches out to businesses and other schools to donate.
The competition started November 6 and ends November 17.