Eagle Fun Fest Runs Tomorrow
Hygiene for Humanity box
The Eagle Fun Fest is a great way to help bring the community together. It is a carnival-like event that is aimed towards middle school and younger students. But it is not limited to those ages and is open to everyone! While it is a great way to bring the community together, it’s also a great way to bring the whole family together.
The main purpose for this is to benefit the Hygiene For Humanity project. Those who donate hygiene items earn up to three free raffle tickets. The goal for this year is to get 400 care packages this year.
There are many different things you can do like play different games, buy raffle tickets, and win tons of prizes. Another activity is the snack walk.
Another great thing about the Eagle Fun Fest is that it is also a very cheap way to have fun with friends and family. On average, most families spend around ten dollars. Also, families tend to spend an hour to an hour and a half.
Carnival tickets are 3 for $1 and 20 for $5. Raffle tickets are 1 for $1 and 6 for $5. Many items will be included in the raffle including dutch bros gift card.
The Eagle fun fest will be Friday, November 3 from 5:30-7:30. It will be in the cafeteria and commons.