Fall Brings New Course Offerings
Zach Ramberg
Each year, Centennial grows, in teachers, students, and classes. Starting in the 2017-2018 school year four new classes will be offered. The classes will be, Introduction to Computer Science, taught by Jimmy Mei, Introduction to Conceptual Physics, taught by Rachel Davidson, Cory Brook-deBock, Julie Hilsenteger, and Kate Dean, Design What and Cyber Security taught by Kari Raeburn.
Introduction to computer science is going to be a year long class, the requirements are that students must have completed Integrated Math 2B and enrolled in Integrated in Math 3A. The class will cover programming, functions, bugs, programming language and style, JavaScript, graphics, and control structures in the first semester. In the second semester, the class will cover functions, parameters, data structures, animation, and students will begin to program simple games.
The science department will be undergoing a curriculum change and the new class that incoming freshmen will be taking for science will be Introduction to Conceptual Physics.
Design What, is based on a Stanford course, through taking a problem and solving it with students ideas. The class will also offer career credit.
Cyber-Security will be open to all grades, and will be a semester long class. Students will receive instructions and lab assignments focused in concepts in cyber-security. With concepts about cyber-security theory, and basic techniques for optimizing security on personal computers and small networks, and training in this course may lead to an EC-Council Security|5 certification.
Administer Zach Ramberg, in reference to the new classes said, “ I think the Design What is going to be a different kind of course them we have which is exciting, Cyber-Security is going to be a really relevant course for a lot of students, Computer Science will potentially have competition and may become a club.”
“Those interested in any of the classes should see the teacher who is teaching them right away because there may not be enough students to run the class.” said Ramberg.