Weather Causes Many Schedule Changes
Athletic Director Brent Child
With different weather conditions raging throughout Oregon, wrestling, swimming, girls basketball, and boys basketball have all had their schedules affected.
Wrestling is currently one match behind, with their dual meet against Oregon City being cancelled last night due to their school day being cancelled. Whenever the day is called, all sports and activities are also cancelled. There is not a current date set to make up the match, but it is in the works.
The boys basketball team’s game against Sherwood was cancelled and rescheduled to Jan 28 at Sherwood.
Girls basketball is a different story, as a game against Roseburg was cancelled and is leading to difficult rescheduling; due to Roseburg being towards the south, their weather is still causing issues. The plan is to find a location somewhere around here where it would be safe for Roseburg to travel to.
The swimming team had two meets rescheduled- Reynolds and Gresham. The Reynolds meet was rescheduled to Jan 10. The Gresham meet is predicted to be Jan 17.
All up-to-date schedules can be found at