Ali Gathers Clothing to Help Syrian Refugees

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Students can donate their items to this box

Sarah Ali
Sarah Ali

Students around the school may have noticed brightly colored boxes scattered in hallways and in various classrooms.  They are all a part of sophomore Sarah Ali’s new program, called Clothes for the Refugees.

Clothes for the Refugees all started with Ali’s family.  Even from a young age, her parents have always taught her to give back to others.

“As a child, I was always taught to do for others, it was embedded in my from my grandma from Syria.  Every friday she would open up her house and donate clothes and food for poor people and orphans in Iraq,” said AIi.

Ali said, “It was all my little brother he would bring me his clothes, and my mother said there are many refugees who didn’t have nearly that many clothes.  Then she asked, what could our family do to help them, that’s when I came up with the idea of Clothes for the Refugees.”

All of the donations go to the Ali’s local Mosque where they are shipped to the Syrian refugees.  So far many students, teachers, and community members have donated clothing and money to the Mosque and are still eager to accept more donations.  She has received around 450 pounds of clothing from CHS.

“(The refugees mostly) need warm clothing because it is winter there and very cold, the refugees all live in tents,” said Ali.