Cheer Travels to Thurston Saturday

The team basket tosses sophomore Jade Wilson at Gresham competition last Saturday.
Last Saturday, Gresham High School hosted the MHC cheer competition. Schools in the conference competed individually and in stunt-groups. Centennial varsity competed with two all-girl stunt groups, one co-ed stunt-group, and eight individuals.

Angie Gutierrez poses at the Gresham competition.
Senior Abby Ede got first team all-league for individuals. Angie Gutierrez, Jade Wilson, and Deleena Saechao received honorable mention for individuals. Ede, Ryan Payne, Meghan Sanders, Arlena Pereya, Lucia Sarahy, Jade Wilson, Tommy Hemmer, Tristan Tam, Angie Gutierrez, and Heidi Gurney received Honorable Mention for stunt groups. Saechao, Tracy Huynh, Madison Higgins, Deserae Andrews, and Hali Fischer got second team all-league for stunt groups. Payne and Huynh earned first team for partner stunting.
Centennial will be competing at the OCCA All-State Competition this weekend at Thurston High School. The competition will start at 8:30 am. Admission is $6.