Administration Updates, Adds Classes Each Year

The teachers and administration have worked very hard to add and update classes and keep up with students’ growing interests and will to succeed.

This year in particular, AP Art History was added to the growing options for students.

“We are so excited to expand our art classes,” said Assistant Principal Zach Ramberg.

Along with this year’s additions, the past two years have included a marketing program. These classes include: Marketing 1, 2, 3, and 4, Social Marketing, Business Ownership 1 (formerly entrepreneurship) and International Business.

The marketing classes were all part of a grant called CTE Revitalization Grant.

This also marks the second year for Consumer and Financial Math which is a class that teaches students how to wisely spend money.

Although AP Art History filled up quickly, there is still plenty of room in the marketing classes.

Next year’s plans are not set in stone yet, but AP Human Geography and AP Environmental Biology are both classes being explored.

“We are really trying hard to improve our classes,” Ramberg says.

In the math department, Debbie Dube and the rest of the teachers have been working hard to offer math classes “off semester.” For example, if a student failed one semester in a math class, they could potentially retake the class the next semester instead of moving on to the next course in the sequence.