Teachers Have Had Lots of Recent Babies

This year Centennial has had an abundance of teachers having babies. In honor of that, The Talon figured we’d gather some pictures of their happy new additions to the family. A few of them are featured below.



Father and ELD Teacher Reid Woodlee holds Nora Elaine Woodlee and older brother Alexander Woodlee. Nora Elaine was born on July 18, 2015.



Father and Social Studies teacher Ryan Ruuttila with daughter Arya Ruuttila. Arya was born on May 12, 2015.


Mother and Learning Specialist Sasha Johnson had baby Gregory Paul Garrett Mallett (nicknamed Garrett) on October 26, 2015. Garrett is Secretary Shelley Johnson’s grandson.

Kayci2Mother and counselor Kayci Emry with her son Aidan Emry who was born on March 11, 2015.


Ada Lake Nolde, daughter of teacher Eli Nolde, born on August 14, 2015.