Students Wise to Heed Graduation Requirements
There are various requirements for a student to be able to graduate. For a standard diploma students need to have 24 credits; 26 credits is required for an honors diploma.
But credits alone will not qualify one for graduation; the credits need be in the correct areas.
Students are urged to meet with their counselors to make sure they are taking the correct courses to qualify for graduation. Along with credit requirements, students also need to pass several federal tests and meet state requirements. One of the main obstacles is the SBAC test which measures a student’s a students writing, reading, and math skills. Students who do not meet the minimum SBAC scores required for graduation can still qualify to graduate by completing “work samples” in areas in which they are deficient.
Principal Scott-Aguirre said “Work samples can be rigorous, but for some students taking a test in a classroom is much easier than taking a standardized test.”
The bottom line is this: Students and parents are advised to look closely at their schedules and graduation requirements, and to meet with their counselor each year, to make sure they are on track to graduate.