Senior Milana Oliphant Reflects on Her High School Career
I have been in the Centennial School District since I was in Kindergarten. I have met many of my greatest friends at my Centennial High School. From going to Centennial schools I have also been able to learn many important life lessons and they have prepared me for my future in college.
Well this year was my senior year, and unfortunately it was not a typical senior year due to the global pandemic. I feel that I was still able to share some important experiences with my friends and classmates.
Some of the highlights I would say from my 4 years of attending Centennial High School are playing basketball my freshman and sophomore year, joining rugby my freshman year and meeting some of my greatest friends.
Before coming to high school at CHS, basketball was my favorite way to spend time with my friends and meet new people. After my freshman year it continued to allow me to meet many new friends and people at our school. I am very thankful for the opportunity basketball gave me to break out of my shell and enjoy my time at CHS.
It also led me to joining rugby, which if I am being honest I had no idea what I was signing up for when I joined. I thought it was a powder puff team or something like that. Boy was I proved to be wrong. Turns out rugby is a full contact sport that is very intense.
I do not regret joining for one second because from joining I was able to try out for the elite team in my club and travel to a tournament in Idaho. Those things I wouldn’t trade for anything, along with all the people I met and friends I made from playing rugby.
Looking back on my four years at CHS sports have played a big part of my experience at high school and helped me to meet many of my current friends.
Going to Friday night football games with my friends and afterwards hanging out was also very fun. I would also have to add our homecoming celebrations were always very fun and it was a great activity to do with my friends.
I will always remember the food trucks that would come and all of the different club booths, where we could support our fellow students. I hope after things go back to normal, they will still have homecoming stay the same.
As far as classes go I had many great teachers during my time here at CHS. I’d like to say a big thank you to my freshman English teacher Ms. Vanderpool, and Mr. Perez, my World Studies teacher.
And also a big thank you to all of my AP teachers who worked really hard to make sure that we succeeded in our tests and cared a lot about our education. And a big thank you to my coaches Stanek and Bremer who worked really hard to help me become the person that I am today.
Another club that I had the opportunity of participating in was National Honor Society and I was able to volunteer with many important organizations in our local community along with many of my fellow classmates.
After graduation I plan on attending Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff Arizona; my goal is to study environmental engineering and get my bachelor in science and engineering.
It’s crazy to think about how fast these four years have gone. It feels like yesterday I was just a freshman triple checking my schedule making sure I went to the right classroom. It is definitely going to be hard not being able to say goodbye to all of my fellow classmates but I hope to see everyone at graduation if it allows.

Assistant Editor Milana Oliphant, 17, is a senior and this will be her second year in journalism. In addition to being a part of The Talon, she also...