Current Schedule Had Hybrid Possibility Built-In

While Quad 2 and onward may seem to have a slim chance of being in-person, it is still important to have a plan in place in case we do go back to school at some point this academic year.
So far, the way the district is sectioning students is in cohorts (groups) that are designed for both distance learning and the possibility of returning in a hybrid situation.
There will be an A and a B cohort. You can find out what cohort you are in by going into StudentVUE, and from there, clicking class schedule. Students with class periods 1-9,are in Cohort A; those with class periods 21-29 are in Cohort B.
If school were to resume, Cohort A would attend in-person school Monday and Tuesday while cohort B will attend Thursday and Friday. Wednesday will be all distance learning just like it is now, and would be set aside for deep cleaning at the school, said Assistant Principal Laura Scully.
If you are part of a family with different last names, don’t worry–you will be put into the same cohort as the rest of your siblings, said Scully.
Currently, it is uncertain whether the in-person school days will be full days or less-than-full days as Governor Kate Brown has yet to announce specific guidelines for high school reopenings.