CHS Welcomes New Staff!

Who: Manasa Williams
Last Year: I was an EA @ Butler Creek Elementary School
Born: June, 30th 1992
How many years in education: 3 years
How many years in this district: This is my second year
Craziest job you ever had: Cheese girl! Handed out cheese samples
Words to live by: “Be yourself everyone else is taken” ~ Oscar Wilde
What are you most excited about being at CHS? Getting to know the wonderful students and staff!
Who: Sue Cunningham
What: Social Studies and Health
Last Year: Been at CPS since 1996
Born: Born in Sacramento but raised in No Po
How many years in education: 24 years
How many years in education: Graduated University of Oregon and Lewis and Clark
Craziest job you ever had: Cooking at a sports bar/grill while in college
Words to live by: If you can’t dazzle ’em with brilliance, then baffle ’em with bullshit
What are you most excited about being at CHS? Excited to be meeting new people at CHS
Who: Christopher Statham, Husband, Dad to two boys. 2 dogs and 1 cat
Last Year: Same position at CPS, but I have also worked at Harold Oliver and Powell Butte Elementary Schools in Centennial.
Born: Griffin, Georgia
How many years in education: Started Jan. 2000. Went to North Clackamas for 9 years, but I’ve been back with CSD for 5 years.
Education: University of Georgia, Clemson University, Vanderbilt University, Portland State
I have taught in Tennessee and Oregon
Craziest job you ever had: Security guard at a large cotton mill in South Georgia. Worked
midnight to noon Saturday and Sunday.
Words to live by: Life is too short to drink bad coffee. Learn to make a good cup of coffee.
What are you most excited about being at CHS? Elective classes for students and sharing my facility dog Sawyer who will be coming to work with me everyday.
Who: Kris Dowell
What: YTP Transition Specialist
Last Year: Was my 1st year at CHS, prior to that I was the attendance specialist at CMS and Powell Butte Elementary
Born: 10-11-1983
How many years in education: 9 years at Centennial
Craziest job you ever had: Camp Director
Words to live by: Be a good person and Go Cowboys!
What are you most excited about being at CHS? I believe our youth are the true leaders of the world and I look forward to watching them change the world
Who: Dar Myers
Last Year: Same position at CPS –or– College at OSU Was the Attendance Liaison or CPS
Born: In Vancouver, WA
How many years in education: 18 years at Centennial
Craziest job you ever had: Bartending
Words to live by: Believe in yourself
What are you most excited about being at CHS? Meeting and helping CHS students
Who: Kyla Luksic
What: Chemistry and College Biology Teacher
Last Year: Same position at CPS –or– College at OSU. I have taught in New York City, and last year Gresham High School
Born: Port Angeles, WA
How many years in education: This is my 4th year as a classroom teacher
How many years in this district: This is my first!
Craziest job you ever had: In high school I made all the advertising signs you would see at a gas station for a beer distributor.
Words to live by: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”Eleanor Roosevelt
What are you most excited about being at CHS? I am most excited about getting to teach such a diverse group of students who are eager to learn and take on new challenges.
Who: Conrad Schumacher
What: (ex: Social Studies and English Teacher) Culinary Arts
Last Year: Culinary and Visual Arts and ELA at CPS, Senior Capstone, Friendtorship and Secondary Art Methods at PSU
Born: 1960 September 27th Old Oregon City Hospital
45.3364 degrees North and 122.6048 degrees West
How many years in education: As a teacher 29 as a student 60!
How many years in this district: Since 2007
Craziest job you ever had: Janitor in a meat shop
Words to live by: In the end only three things matter,
How much you loved,
How gently you lived,
And how gracefully you let go
of things not meant for you.
What are you most excited about being at CHS? The chance to work with our amazing students and make some amazing food!
Who: Stephen Hamilton
What: Chemistry and Patterns Physics Teacher
Last Year: Earned Masters of Arts in Teaching at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, OR
Born: September 1st 1988 in Longview, WA
How many years in education: 4 years as a math and science tutor
How many years in this district: This is my first year!
Craziest job you ever had: I drove a street sweeper for about 3 months back in 2008
Words to live by: “Don’t ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone for any reason ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you’ve been… ever, for any reason whatsoever… – Michael Scott” – Stephen Hamilton
What are you most excited about being at CHS? Although it’s difficult for all of us to be teaching and learning remotely, I have been incredibly impressed with the resilience of the students in this district. When I was in high school I always had a hard time staying focused and trying to learn in my bedroom so it’s been amazing to see all my students meet this challenge head on. I know we will all be stronger and better human beings on the other side of this!
Who: Heather Barcan
What: English Teacher and Advisory Teacher
Last Year: Same position at CPS and also Evening School Coordinator
Born: July 23
How many years in education: 23
How many years in this district: 3
Craziest job you ever had: Security at a Nordstrom Rack store
Words to live by:
“Our only hope for our collective liberation is a politics of deep solidarity rooted in love.”
Michelle Alexander
What are you most excited about being at CHS?
It has been a long time since I have been on a comprehensive high school campus. I am excited to see so many students every day.
Who: Michele Johnson
What: Educational Assistant/ CVA Records Manager
Last Year: CPS
Born: Portland Oregon
How many years in education: 19 years
How many years in this district: 19 years
Craziest job you ever had: I worked in a pig factory as a meat wrapper packaging bacon
Words to live by: If you can be anything, be kind!
What are you most excited about being at CHS? Meeting and working with new staff

Editor Beatrice Byrd is a senior at CHS and is in her second year of writing for The Talon. She is very excited to be involved again this year. As the...

Assistant Editor Milana Oliphant, 17, is a senior and this will be her second year in journalism. In addition to being a part of The Talon, she also...