CHS Film Festival
Centennial High School will be hosting their first film festival, taking place in the auditorium after school on February 20th. Attendants will view submissions from students throughout the school, and the best film from each category will be announced at the end. The three categories participants can sign up for are documentary, parody, and narrative.
The film festival was an idea from senior Louise Kim, getting inspiration after her AP Language final last year, where students had the opportunity to create videos. She noticed that many students had fun, and thought that CHS needed more events that appealed to different types of people instead of just spirit or athletic events.
“Costs for admission tickets are not yet finalized, but they will most likely be $5 with ASB and $7 without”, said Kim
Winners of the competition will receive scholarship money. While the amount cannot be released yet at the moment, it is known that it is the largest amount student council has ever given away at an event they ran.
It is money that will directly be transferred to students’ accounts and saved until they graduate high school.
“ However, if a student happens to transfer before they graduate, they will not be awarded the money because they will no longer be a Centennial student”, said Kim.

Quality Control Editor Jared Arenas is a junior at Centennial High School, and alongside being in charge of quality control for The Talon, he is also...