The Centennial Talon is the student publication for Centennial High School. The newspaper is produced as part of the Advanced Journalism class.
Signed columns are the views of their respective authors and do not necessarily reflect those of The Talon and/or Centennial High School. Editorials, cartoons, and graphics are the opinion of the majority of The Talon’s editorial board.
Letters to the editor are welcomed by The Talon and will be published as long as they are signed, free of libel, and have adviser approval. The paper reserves the right to edit letters for clarity.
We are a member of the Journalism Education Association and the National Scholastic Press.
The Talon will not accept advertising that the Editorial Staff deems to be factually inaccurate or designed to mislead or deceive the consumer. The Talon will not accept ads containing malicious, vindictive or unsubstantiated attacks, offering goods and/or services illegal for teens to possess, buy or use. We reserve the right to refuse advertising — solicited or unsolicited.
Advertisements do not reflect the views of the faculty or students of Centennial High School, nor should they be viewed as endorsements.