We are approaching the final week of the first trimester. Students may be stressed and some may be happy that it’s finally over. As for the seniors, it’s very bittersweet being ⅓ of the way done with their senior year.
For the people who may not have had a proper finals week or any understanding of finals week. Finals week is purely a week dedicated to studying and getting those last minute adjustments for your grade. It makes, or breaks, how you did in terms of grade for that trimester which can be ultimately terrifying. It’s always been known by students to be one of the most dreadful times during the school years and one of the most stressful.
The week of November 27th 2023- November 30th 2023 is the first finals week of the year. Freshman get to experience their first finals and understand what it’s like to be scared of it. Going into the end of the term should feel good for everyone as they have successfully completed what seemed to be like the never-ending start.
As for seniors, it’s been stressful. Constantly hearing throughout the halls that they’re worried, and also hearing how sad it may be because it’s one step closer to leaving and becoming an adult. Everyone should feel proud for pushing through it and getting it done. The school year of 22-23 really signified finals for the seniors due to it being their first proper finals week because of covid, and the actual aspect of it was one of the most impacting things for them all.
If you’re taking harder classes that may be AP, or even Precalculus you have even more stress put on top of you. You have to work extra hard for those difficult classes and props to everyone who has been going through it and making it out alive. When taking those harder classes during finals week there can be a lot of big information going through your head all at once and constantly studying it or doing it can really be damaging. But once it’s over everything seems fine and easy.
Many students who have been asked about how they feel about finals have felt overwhelmed and exhausted. Some have been waking up super early or staying up super late just to get that last minute extra studying in and complete.
Don’t freak out anymore about finals now that you have been through it, seeing what it’s like for the first time and going through the motions will make it a lot easier the next time. Way to go Eagles for pushing through the first finals week of 2023.
End of the Term
Jaimesyn Chassaing, Writer
December 1, 2023
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About the Contributor

Jaimesyn Chassaing is a junior at Centennial and this is her first year in journalism.