The Centennial Hi-C’s just completed their successful season. They came off of wins, losses, smiles, and tears and most importantly an impactful season overall.
Taking a look at the beginning of the season the Hi-C’s showed off amazing performances at football games, assemblies, and their fall competitions where they debuted their halftime routines such as “I like it” and “Respect” and their competition routines “Where’s Missy?” and “Labels out”.
“If I had to compare it to the first year, it was definitely better winning wise, it was amazing. This year was definitely a lot of hard-work,” said Nathalia Vazquez, a junior on the team. Taking a look into how the team felt and how it was to deal with ranges of emotions, makes you feel inspired by the Hi-C’s. The Hi-C’s at DDCA Category Championships, were able to win first place in their pom routine “Where’s Missy?”. This was their first win in 3 years! Coming off from that high they felt powerful and felt an insane high of how good it felt, but not just because they won first place, but because the hard work they did as a team had paid off in that moment.
“It was still really good to get experience and lead a group who are progressing themselves.”, Alivia Siscaretti, one of the three senior captains said. “I think we did really well especially with wins and I saw a lot of improvement throughout the year.” Finally in January 2023 they started working on their state routine “Warrior”. This routine was something you had to put a lot of hard work into and attention to detail. The Hi-C’s used bamboo staff as a chosen prop and took everyone by surprise. They worked everyday to make sure they were ready for this to be shown and in March of 2023 they put together the annual Metropolitan Dance Competition to debut only part of their state routine, and compete with their infamous “Where’s Missy” routine.
“I feel like this was definitely an eventful year, you know there were a lot of changes,” Duyen Nguyen, another senior captain, spoke about. “We really pushed ourselves and we did something nobody expected.” Nguyen continues on. Hearing these girls speak out about how they felt during this season speaks volumes to others and shows the dedication they put in and the family they created.
Spending every week with the team, the Hi-C dancers created such strong bonds and adoration for one another. No matter what, the team was there for one another. They made sure to protect each other and stand up for them, after every competition they would start and end with a good talk from the group, and always at the end of awards they would share a group hug while the senior captains Duyen, Lian, And Alivia, would tell them how proud they were, and that was what the dance family was about. “It was very team bonding and I got to see a different perspective of the girls I was in a room with felt like even just sharing a room with three girls was very team bonding and bringing us closer and the itty bitty things about them that I wouldn’t have known if I didn’t stay with them.” Vazquez spoke about the state experience bringing them closer. “It was great, I’m proud of our team, and of myself.” Lian Ning expressed, feeling content with her team and season. Asking the captains what they would tell others to join really will grab the attention of the potential family you may have. “I would say, first off, do it, it doesn’t hurt to try but it is a really big commitment, because once you’re on they want you all four years.” Ning told us. The coaches and team hold so much love for you that they hope for your return throughout high school.
“I would tell them to not be afraid and be yourself and grow with the people around you, building the bonds while going through it is really important.” said Siscaretti, encouraging others it is worth it. ¨Don’t be afraid to push yourself, there’s really nothing stopping you other than yourself, don’t be a barrier for yourself.¨ Nguyen finishes off. Joining the Hi-Cs may be a four year commitment, but in the end you build a family, full of love, support, and endless smiles.
Overall the Hi-Cs 22-23 season was a ride of highs. They won first place at DDCA Championships, placed in state with both routines, and now have their 23-24’ season tryouts coming up. The Hi-Cs were happy coming off of this season, and are excited to carry through to the next, as they say ¨I’m proud to be a Hi-C¨.

Jaimesyn Chassaing is a junior at Centennial and this is her first year in journalism.