Courses for Next Year

What classes are the most popular for next year? What classes are being added?

The most popular classes for next year are, of course, electives. Both Senior Success, and Child Development are filled up. Exploratory Metals was 191 kids´ first choice, 168 kids´ alternative choice, and 97 kids want to take it again. Digital Photography had 121 kids choose it as their first choice, and 213 as their alternate choice. Robotics will have four classes. Eighty kids had it as their first choice and 145 kids wanted it as an alternative.

For CTE (Career Technical Education) they decided to wait for the Cadet Teaching class till later as it didn’t fill up. They added Advance Metals classes. Intro to Business had 155 students ask for it and 164 had it listed as an alternative. Intro to Marketing was even more popular with 209 students’ first choice. Both of them have 5 classes planned. The Business and Marketing 3 course is full. That is the one where students run the student store.

For Language Arts, Podcasting didn’t fill-up, so they are waiting. Sci-fi literature will have two sections next year even though it didn’t completely fill up. The teacher Mr. Huff is still really excited to teach it. AP Literature will also be added next year.

World Languages are always full of Spanish having the most students because they have the most teachers. Spanish had 233 kids. ASL had 93 kids forecast for it as their first choice and ASL 3-4 had 60 kids forecast. French will have two classes next year.

All AP classes are growing. They dropped during the pandemic, but after students have been back in school for a year more kids have forecasted for them. AP Human Geography, AP US History, AP Psychology, AP Calculus and AP Stats are getting full. Advance Biology grew and will have two class periods and Advance Chemistry grew a little bigger too.

For Math, Social Justice Math will have two trimesters and Ms. Ledesma is said to be excited about it. Construction Math is also going to happen.

Art and Cooking Classes are always full. Sculpture was added and will be two trimesters long. Art 1 had 175 kids ask as their first choice and 200 kids as an alternative. Ceramics 1 had 227 kids ask and 259 listed it as an alternative. 11 kids wanted Studio Art. Ceramics 2 and Art 2 filled up. The Intro to Culinary was 413 kids first choice and 219 kids listed it as an alternative. That class always has too many kids and not enough kitchens. The old culinary teacher Kathrin Whissler is coming back.

These are the current updates for courses for next year!