Vaping Concerns in Schools

As vaping continues to become a populated and normalized coping mechanism for many teenagers in today’s society, young adolescents are losing sight of how dangerous and potentially life threatening vaping can be. The health impacts associated with this smoking at which your own health is at cost are neglected. These vapes that essentially serve as an “escape” from reality have been proven to have contributed to an epidemic of health issues and addiction.

More importantly, these products are specifically promoted to vulnerable teenage high school students, which make the perfect target consumers since they are more susceptible to purchasing these products and engaging in addictive behaviors. The truth in the matter is that the ads being displayed on mass media, television, and stores, are designed to increase revenue and capture consumer’s attention. And the only way that can be made possible, is by selecting the proper audiences to target.

The businesses and industries advocating the use of these repulsive products are promoting nothing more than a lifelong addiction. Whether you admit if you’re addicted or not, the fact is you’re putting your life in jeopardy for a few seconds of euphoria. However, there are alternative strategic behaviors and healthy norms you can individually engage in to relieve stress and live a long, healthy, sustainable lifestyle.

There are also preventative measures you can initiate to decrease your dependency on a substance. Most teenagers follow the notion that vaping is a better alternative to smoking or that it’s less dangerous. This misconception has been contradicted by proven research on damage to the body, linked to the use of vapes.

While these flavorful, compact, and electronic devices may appear seemingly harmless, they contain dangerous chemicals and compounds, in addition to toxic metals. Metals found in these vapes can have severe consequences on the body’s organs. Lasting impacts may vary from person to person, but one thing is certain. It is difficult to recover from, and even harder to abstain from using once you’re hooked. What many teenagers fail to realize when they hit a vape is that it completely interferes with your body’s way of functioning. E-liquids containing nicotine travel to your lungs and bloodstream. As a result, your body releases adrenaline and impairs vital blood vessels causing an increase in blood clots. This puts you at higher risk for experiencing a heart attack or even stroke.

Furthermore, it slows down brain function and development which can be detrimental to your long term health. So instead of foolishly falling into the frequent use of these substances, we need to implement consistent positive changes into our lives and practice managing stress/mental wellness. Some examples include exercising, journaling, self reflection, making a mental health commitment, and seeking help or guidance when you feel it’s necessary.

Conclusively, this destructive defense mechanism that many teens resort to is not the only way to cope with the calamities life delivers us. And while the journey to recovery may not be linear, it’s necessary for a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Life is constantly throwing us obstacles and hardships, but it is essential we develop resilience to combat these difficulties and strengthen our inner selves.