Fall Season Ends, Competition Cheer Tryouts to Follow

Abe Ede backflips during a cheer competition last Saturday.
Last Saturday, Centennial cheerleaders ended their fall season at the OCCA All-State cheer competition hosted by Thurston High School near Eugene.
Senior Abby Ede was a finalist for individuals. Ede, Ryan Payne, Arlena Pereyra, Lucia Sarahy, and Meghan Sanders placed fourth in the state in the co-ed stunt division. Jade Wilson, Tristan Tam, Tommy Hemmer, Heidi Gurney, and Angie Gutierrez placed eighth in the co-ed division. Payne and Tracy Huynh placed sixth in partner stunting. Deleena Saechao, Huynh, Hali Fischer, Deserae Andrew, and Madison Higgins placed 20th in the state with their all-girl stunt group.
Tryouts for the upcoming competition winter season are Nov. 14 and 15, 6:30-8:30 pm, in the CHS gym.